Welcome to the Phoenix Class!

I am busy preparing our classroom and planning for an exciting year.  Your fifth grade journey will mirror the story of the majestic firebird known as the phoenix. Found in the lore of many cultures, the phoenix lives for 500-1000 years until both the phoenix and its nest catch fire and burn fiercely. Soon nothing remains but ashes and a single phoenix egg, from which a new phoenix is born. Because it recreates itself over and over again, the phoenix is both invincible and immortal. Therefore. throughout the world a phoenix symbolizes the accomplishment of daunting tasks in the pursuit of personal greatness.  As a new Phoenix student, you will leave some of your old self behind and, as the school year progresses, you will overcome challenges, learn, and grow to become the next best self you can be.

I hope you are having a wonderful summer, with time for adventure and play, reading and relaxation.  As you prepare for school, you may want to know what materials to bring. Basic school supplies are provided by Quest, so there are just a few items (listed below) that you will need to acquire.  It helps to bring them on the first day because we will be labeling supplies, but we will not actually use the “Needed” items until the second week. Also, if you choose, you and your family are invited to drop off supplies and visit me during Quest Academy’s Open Classroom. I can’t wait to greet you in the Phoenix classroom and to begin our new school year together!


Mrs. Nadeau



  1. Texas Instruments calculator TI-30Xa or TI-30X IIS; cost: $12-$18
  2. Headphones or earbuds (any inexpensive set will do), stored in a container or baggie
  3. Book of your choice for silent reading time


  1. Water bottle to keep at your desk on hot days
  2. Gym sneakers to leave at school (to avoid missing PE due to inappropriate footwear)
  3. Three-ring binder or zip portfolio organizer

All students will receive a set of colored folders that will serve nicely as a system for filing and transporting papers. During the first week, we will discuss other organizational systems.  I will also talk to parents about organization at Lower School Meet the Teacher Night. Afterwards, you may wish to send additional items to help you stay organized in a way that works for you. (If you need additional advice, I strongly recommend this book: The Organized Student, by Donna Goldberg.)

  1. Lunch box with a handle or strap

If you are shopping for a lunch box, you might like a model with a handle or strap that can hang from your coatroom hook. Other lunch box styles must remain in the backpack or be placed on the floor.

  1. Name labels, all year long

I suggest you label just about everything: backpack, lunch box, water bottle, sweatshirts, coats, gloves, footwear, books, headphones, calculator, band instrument, sports uniform, costumes and props – you would be surprised how hard it can be to find your own items when the Lost and Found gets full. If you want to be sure that it comes back home, put your name on it.



New Families Orientation: Tuesday, August 21st, 9:30 – 10:30 am

All Families Open Classroom: Tuesday, August 21st, 10:30 – 11:30 am

New Families/Buddy Families Meet and Greet: Tuesday, August 21st, 11:15 am – 12:00 pm

First Day of School: Wednesday, August 22nd  (reminder: Wed. = 2:45 pm dismissal)

Lower School Meet the Teacher Night: Thursday, August 30th, 6:30 – 8 pm