Contacting Mrs. Nadeau

  • Email:
  • Phone: 847-202-8035, extn 413    vm 513
  • Office hours: Mon Tues 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. and by appointment

Dear Parents:

It may help to know that I usually check my email and voicemail sometime between 8:00 – 8:15 a.m. and again between 3:45 – 4 p.m.. If you need to reach me or leave a message after 8:00 a.m., please call the school (847-202-8035) and ask the receptionist to deliver a message to me.

To provide the best possible services to you and your child, I try to reply to all email within 48 hours (2 school days), while spending no more than 30 minutes total per day.  Therefore, I often send very brief email messages or replies, such as “Got it,” to let you know that I have received your information.  Alternatively, I might suggest dates and times that we can speak at greater length in person or by phone.  This time limit inspires me to use email efficiently, to recognize questions or topics better addressed via a two-way conversation, and to focus on creating the best possible learning experiences in the classroom.  Thank you for understanding these time-management and communication goals. I hope they serve you well, too!

In the first week or two of school, I discuss homework expectations with the class. Students are aware that they should contact a classmate rather than me with questions about homework. Parents may want to suggest that a phone call often produces a faster and more complete answer than text, email or other online contact.

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