Ten Days Left!

Phoenix and Griffin students are finishing up the year with project work. They reflected upon their learning and experiences this year and chose favorite topics to share with you on May 22nd, Fifth Grade Night.  Mrs. Shah and I gave them a great deal of freedom, and the excitement in the classrooms is high as they work together to express what is meaningful to them. You won’t want to miss what promises to be a outstanding evening!

The amount of homework time the students will need for the next two weeks may vary greatly.  The projects do not all require the same amount of work, and working with a group is often best accomplished in school. However, your child may ask your help in getting together with a classmate or two outside of school. Some students are working on documents together online at home. Some have planned to make a tri-fold display board, or to perform a skit with costumes and props.  As they write scripts and poems, they may ask you to proofread or give them feedback.

We recently decided that each student will carry a sign at one point, and some students immediately brought in poster boards and began work on their signs.  Some are thrilled to letter and embellish their signs meticulously by hand, which will require extra time at home. This weekend, I purchased enough poster board for signs to make sure that each student has one, so sign work will soon begin for all.

Thank you, parents, for your flexibility and support during the next few weeks. Your children are experiencing important life lessons through this group project work. Mrs. Shah and I are guiding them through the challenging process of blending their own preferences and creative visions with those of others. This entails problem-solving, interpersonal skills, leadership, decision-making, and so much more.  I am happy to report that I am seeing them at their best – listening, compromising, revising, sharing, and helping. You can be very proud of your children.